Thursday 26 April 2012

Sam Taylor Wood

Sam Taylor Wood, who was born in 4 March, 1967 in Croydon, England is an English photographer and film maker. She began exhibiting her fine art photography in the early – 1990s. One alliance with Henry Bond, titled 26 October 1993, featured Bond and Taylor Wood reinterpreting the roles of Yoko Ono and John Lennon by photographer Annie Liebovitz only a few hours before Lennon was assassinated in 1980.
Taylor Wood’s work examines the split between being and appearance, often placing her human subjects – either singly or in groups – in situations where the line between interior and external sense of self is in conflict. Her languid and silent film portrait of David Beckham, for example, which was shot in a single take, offers a serene alternative to this most intensively photographed celebrity.
Taylor-Wood has also explored notions of weight and gravity in elegiac, poised photographs and films such as Ascension (2003) and a series of self-portraits (Self Portrait Suspended I - VIII) that depict the artist floating in mid-air without the aid of any visible support.


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